Our Blog

Woody the Woodpecker

Aliquam eu nunc. Quisque rutrum. Praesent egestas tristique nibh. Ut id nisl quis enim dignissim sagittis. Cras id dui.

The Last Beach Walk

I went down to the beach on Christmas Day and snapped up some pics. I wondered how many more times I would take this walk again? There is nothing like witnessing the violent and beautiful forces of nature enfold in front of you. Near the shoreline, the...

Paddle Boarding

I walked down to the beach the other night with my camera, inspired by the sunset. I’ve resisted the urge to shoot lately, but on nights like this it is hard not to. I sat next to a random stranger and discussed the quality of the sunset reflected in...

Kyak at Dusk

I just uploaded the last of my summer pics. This is part of a series of water themed images I formed into a collection titled Water Reflections. Their abstract patterns and colors which play across the surface fascinate me. This collection could grow...